Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Thank you for assuming I'm an idiot.

U.S. Green Building Council customer service rep, 15 minutes into the process of annoyingly having me spell things out so she can fill out the online form with which I am reporting a server application issue, even though I've told her 17 times that I just need to be directed to their Web site support folks because the problem is an ASP coding issue: Okay, so what is the fax number...

Me: Look, can't I just send a screencap of the error message via e-mail to the technical support staff or something?

Her: Sure, you can send a screencap via e-mail. OR I can just help you now.

Me: ...

Her: Well, what's it going to be? Do you want to send a screencap via e-mail or do you want me to help you?

Me: Um...I want you to help me, I guess?

(We fill out the rest of the form. It takes at least another five minutes as I read aloud a series of extremely long numeric access codes, which she has to repeat and verify, even though I know the entire exercise is pointless.)

Her, after pressing the submit key: Okay, so. Um. Well, what I'm going to do is take a screencap of this error message and e-mail it to the technical support staff...

(To her credit, at least she apologized.)

1 comment:

Kara Dalmacio said...

Oh my gosh! I would have ripped all of my hair out. I can stand stuff like that!!!!