Friday, June 14, 2013

Important moments in the day of a toddler

Had to share this fabulous poetry about parenting a toddler from Alice at Denali Parent Coaching. The last item was especially essential for me today as I struggled through the second morning in a row of a separation tantrum while another parent snuck out of the room when his child wasn't looking.

Important moments in the day of a toddler...
  • Choice! Between which shirt they want to wear, whether they get carried or hold your hand, if they want the blue cup or the red cup, if they want to finish their book before you change their diaper. The more we can give them choices, and then respect the choice they make, the more we are supporting their growth as self-directed, capable beings. Simple...most of the time:-)
  • Saying "NO!" And being heard...and respected. Respect can mean going with their NO; respect can mean acknowledging their NO and still moving ahead with what needs to happen--gently, firmly, kindly
  • Lengthy, uninterrupted time to explore--to practice over and over climbing up and down the stairs, to figure out just how many items can fit in the empty oatmeal container, to dump and fill and dump again, to discover what happens when they try to drink from the end of the hose. What a gift to our toddlers when we can give them the time and space to explore their world in just the way they need!
  • Eating! The freedom to use their hands, to work with a spoon, to squish and spit and drop on the floor. A time for them to be in charge of their bodies--what they want to put in, what they'd much rather keep out; a time for conversation as we talk about what they are eating, describe what they can do--"You scooped your berries with your spoon!" and respect when they feel done. Totally supportive of their growing independent, in charge of themselves souls
  • Sleep...quiet time, a time they often seek our laps, our arms, and soak up our one-on-one time reading and singing softly to them. And maybe a time they work hard at preventing--and your gentle, firm, kind presence creates the safe place to be mad and still settle...tear streaked cheeks and all
  • Diaper changes, baths, care for their bodies--these are amazing times for connection, for learning as you offer choices, talk about what is happening, give the time and space for them to explore the lint in their belly button, to toddle away naked inviting you to a chase game, to figuring out how to squish a wash cloth and use it to clean their toes
  • Separating from you--a celebration of their growing independence that can be met with pushing you away, alligator tears as you say good bye, or total ignorance of your leaving (to just tantrum when you return!). In order to respect their growing understanding that you will come back, to support their growing confidence that they can be apart from you--we have to say good bye...kindly, gently, and once. No lingering, please, and no sneaking away. Communicating your confidence that they will be safe and content is done by respectfully letting them know you are leaving, giving them their hug and kiss, and then...leaving. Tough at times
These are moments in every toddler's day that we can welcome as the simple yet rich learning experiences they are. Now we can relax into them, be present through out them, and feel certain we are growing a little one who can be confident, capable, curious, in charge--how awesome is that?!

This was shared by the wonderful Janet Lansbury on Facebook via Denali Parent Coaching.

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