Monday, July 23, 2007

What would you do in this situation?

A totally random guy you've never met is standing at a conference social with his back to you, wearing some khaki slacks that have, printed on a sticker that starts around mid-butt cheek and continues down to mid-thigh, 36x32 36x32 36x32, 36x32 (etc., etc., you get the picture) affixed to it. Do you:

a) walk up to the guy and discreetly tell him that he might want to go in the bathroom and check his butt for extraneous size-revealing labels
b) walk up behind the guy, reach down, and nonchalantly remove the sticker from his butt (at the risk, of course, of him noticing that you are touching his derierre and either a -- getting the wrong idea or b -- suing you for sexual harrassment)
c) sit in the corner and mock him while also acknowledging that this sort of thing could certainly happen to you or anyone for that matter, except maybe Val Kilmer, and feel just a leetle bit bad for him before you go back to heartily laughing at this situation and later feeling validated in your decision because the guy turned out to be sort of pretentious but at the same time you still felt sort of bad for not telling him but also feeling quite torn because you're not sure what you would prefer to have happen if you were the person who had your pants size affixed to your booty in front of a bunch of strangers who are probably laughing at/feeling sorry for you but since you have a sense of humor you would probably want someone to tell you but then again maybe not and mmmmm, Heineken.

I chose C. Probably not the right answer. But seriously! What do you do?

P.S. I would have chosen option A if he had been female. I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell someone who appears to be his buddy about it?

But I would do C.